Nikol Moshman
6 min readJul 15, 2019


Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

Podcasts are quite fun and convenient platforms that keep you abreast of recent happenings in any field or profession. Generally, tuning into podcasts is known by many internet users to be insightful and educating as you stand to learn a whole lot. Narrowing it down to Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), podcasts stand as effective methods of tutoring a user as it pertains to finance and other M&A related knowledge. This learning over the podcast is often put forth through the various interviews, shows, discussions, and panoramas that keep your attention at the climax.

We have decided to compile a list including some of the favorite M&A podcasts that you should listen to in 2020. This blog will provide you with exactly what you need to know. Feel free to drop a comment about these suggested 6 Mergers and Acquisitions podcasts which we have suggested on this blog. I bet that you will both learn a lot as well as find the podcasts interesting.

The very quick overview of best M&A podcasts if you don’t have much time to read:

  1. M&A Science
  2. The Tech M&A Group
  3. PwC Deal Radio
  4. MergerCast by Strategy
  5. Marketplace
  6. The Deal Room
M&A Science Podcast

M&A Science

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These M&A podcasts stand out among all others as a podcast that you should ensure to listen to in 2019. This podcast is a mixture of fun and enlightenment. It is sponsored by DealRoom which is a team of financial experts that focus on M&A management software and education in M&A sphere.

The podcast features episodes that address mergers and acquisitions in-depth. Each show will always make you look forward to the next as there are experts on the ground to get you tutored as regards deals and transactions. Listeners will be able to learn what integration is all about, how to strategize for extracting and identifying value drivers as it pertains to the process of M&A.

This podcast is highly important for those who are interested in learning more about divestitures; the strategies and methods of operations.

Recommended episodes:

“Principle of Corporate Development at Google,” “Data Science and AI for M&A,” “How to create integration strategies better suited to modern business environments”.

The Tech M&A Group

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Do you know the Corum Group well enough? If that is a yes from you, then you should be familiar with the Tech M&A Podcast often aired monthly on its webcast. This podcast is one of the 5 M&A podcasts that you would not afford not to listen to in 2020. It comprises webcast series with each episode ranging between some three minutes to four minutes.

The Corum Group ensures that you know the latest happenings, discoveries, and innovations as it relates to Technology. To ensure that you are fully exposed to these, the podcast has a mechanism in place whereby representatives from top technological industries come around to enlighten the audience. Such top Tech companies as Google and Microsoft update about the latest things to look forward to.

Other features of the Tech M&A Podcast include reports on the trends, the buyers and sellers of technological products as well as the processes involved in M&A. Subscribers to this podcast also have their say through the Questions and Answers (Q&A) section.

Recommended episodes:

Since the episodes have very short durations lasting three or four minutes, it is recommended to tune into this podcast and listen to all the episodes as they are all informative.

PwC Deal Radio

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This podcast is from the stable of PwC and it involves bringing up a representative from PwC as well as a team of experts in M&A to sensitive and enlighten the audience. Heather Horn, who is a PwC partner, is ever on deck to engage PwC specialists on cogent topics such as Leasing, Integration, and LIBOR replacement. This podcast puts more emphasis on how to create value throughout the processes involved in M&A. It is a podcast that targets influencing its audience to be innovative and creative when it comes to M&A. If there is any podcast that you need to tune into in 2020, this is it!.

In the bid to help you to solve problems, the podcast raises possible questions to which the panelists and team of experts proffer answers to. It raises vital questions such as, “How can M&A bring out the best of creativity? After newly acquiring an enterprise, what should be the next step of actions? What are the likely oppositions and opportunities linked with integration?

You can tune into this podcast via Apple Podcasts, Google Music, Spotify, and others.

Recommended episodes

There are lots of episodes aired on this podcast and a bunch of them span through 45 minutes thereabouts. The following are some episodes recommended for you:

“Tax Analytics,” “PwC’s Accelerator added value,” “Integration”.

MergerCast by Strategy

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Mergercast is another podcast that you should stay conversant with as it offers one of the best M&A strategy and professional advice from a number of experts. It is a podcast produced by PwC’s Strategy which sets its sight on M&A with much emphasis on surfacing research and trends.

The beautiful thing about this podcast is the fact that the hosts and guests are rotated on each episode giving you the opportunity to have different perspectives. This wealth of knowledge is one that would normally demand payment but you rather gain the expertise of M&A on this podcast for no dime. It features Directors, Partners, and highly revered M&A role, speakers.

Each episode of Mergercast entails insightful teaching borne out of the many years of experiences acquired by the guests on this podcast. If you subscribe to this podcast, you will be aware of when a new episode will come up even though there is no regular schedule for the podcast.

Recommended episodes:

“Deals that win,” “Merganic growth,” “Digital Deals- A New Frontier,” “The Secret to successful divestitures”.


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Have you been looking for a podcast that gives a great dig in reporting the financial market? Marketplace podcast is right there for you as it is one of the best financial and M&A news shows. The podcast keeps you up-to-date with speedy and concise happenings in the stock market and also in the world of M&A. If you want to receive notifications of events as they unfold, do well to subscribe to this podcast.

Recommended episodes:

“The Disruptive Entrepreneur,” Wide open spaces,” “You’ve been paying sales tax online for a year. What’s changed?”.

The Deal Room

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No doubt, this M&A podcast cannot just be left out of those you should tune into in 2019. Deal room is Australia’s only M&A podcast as it stands and it is anchored by an experienced legal expert, Joanna Oakey.

The podcast boasts of exclusive interviews with managers, directors, advisors and learned M&A professionals. You will grow from being an amateur into M&A professional once you subscribe to this podcast.

Recommended episodes:

“When you should consider buying a franchise,” “Why 80% of businesses sell at the wrong time and what to do about it,” “How my personal experience in buying a business made me a better accountant and advisor”.

You can also find a more expanded post about Best M&A Podcasts by clicking the link.



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